What's the best team format?

Depending on the complexity, duration and skills required there are plenty of options to source the right team structure for each company's challenges:


Source your entire / part of development needs to the best team experts in web, mobile, cloud and AI latest tech and have them working closely with your product managers.

Build Entity & Hire

Need help setting up a new technical entity to embrace a large product / portfolio of products? We help building it from ground and get it from zero to full speed.

Added Capacity

This scenario is perfect for when you have your core team already working and need now to increase capacity to cope with increasing demand.


Need full expertise to define your product(s), design, implement and test them and want to have the full project managed and implemented until its ready to launch. This is the right choice for companies like yours.

We can help!

Get in touch with us to learn more how can we can help setting up your technical teams.

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